Inspiring Inclusion for International Women's Month 2024
In celebration of International Women's Month, we are featuring a selection of brands owned by women of color. These remarkable creators embody a unique blend of creativity and purpose that deeply resonates with us. Delve into the following Q&A sessions, where each woman offers her insightful perspective on the multifaceted essence of womanhood.
We've also teamed up with each of them for an exciting giveaway for $2,000 worth of amazing goods. Enter here from March 11-15, 2024 for a chance to win.*

Who is Volver Workshop?
Volver Workshop is an unconventional shoe and leather goods studio where every item is conceived, designed, cut, sewn, hammered, polished and packaged in Brooklyn by the owner/ founder.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion”. What does this mean to you?
Inspiring Inclusion means to actively and consistently foster a sense of belonging & community for all women. It means honoring & understanding the contributions of women of the past in order to create a space for women to safely and confidently push boundaries into the future. It's about inspiring future generations to continue to fight for the equality of all beings.
What women inspire you & why?
I'm most inspired by women that persevere in their own unique style in spite of the overbearing societal constraints on them. A great example is Lupe Yolí aka La Lupe aka La Yiyiyi, an incredible Cuban bolero, guaracha and latin soul singer from the 60's that accentuated her sexuality when performing and recorded songs full of orgasmic moans and groans. She would shock viewers on televised shows with moves that seemed almost trance-like and which were driven by her inner spirituality and voodoo practices. She would continue to express herself freely sexually and spiritually after being exiled from Cuba and banned from US television.
When do you feel most empowered as a woman?
When I feel most empowered as a woman, I'm usually in the company of other creative women in an environment where we uplift each other. Feeling empowered comes from reading the stories of inspiring women of the past while creating & maintaining a strong, collective present-day community,
What advice do you have for our current and future generations of women?
I would advise the future generation of women to ask the tough questions whenever they encounter an organization, a gathering or any point of view that does not feel inclusive of women.
How are you celebrating international women's month?
I'm celebrating international women's month by sitting around with my best friends and playing dominoes! Traditionally, dominoes is a male-dominated game. However, I've learned the ropes from my dad, who is from Puerto Rico where the game is very competitive, and have been passing down his knowledge to all of the women in my life.
Additionally, I'll be celebrating by making thoughtful purchases from women-owned businesses (a practice that I strive to maintain year-long) and highlighting women entrepreneurs. I'll also take some time to revisit some of my favorite contemporary artists such as Chiharu Shiota, Méret Oppenheim, Leonor Fini, Tarsila do Amara & Ruth Asawa just to name a few.

Who is ORA-C?
ORA-C is the brain child of Montreal based jewelry designer Caroline Pham. Since 2015 the brand has evolved organically, with an experimental approach to creating statement modern jewelry. Most of her pieces are made to order, in limited series or produced in very small batches locally in her Montreal studio. Her work bursts of colorful visuals, and is mainly recognized for her textured metal forms using wax as the primary sculptural technique, and the use of various natural stones that she has collected over the years. Florals are represented by pinched finger prints in her metal texture and unconventional shapes are sculpted with stones of all kinds peeking out of them. Her continuous exploration of the medium stems from her self-taught approach and her fascination for artifacts of previous eras.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion”. What does this mean to you?
When I think women, I think feminism, and when I think feminism I think equality to all but also inclusion for all. Women just like the LGTBQ+ community and the minorities of our society all deserve to be heard, respected and valued, uplifted, cared for and loved. It's a communal fight for equal rights on multiple spheres. There is no point in discerning who is a woman in my view. I support the dismantling of the binary concept to help all have access to equal rights and mutual respect.
What women inspire you? Why?
All the women around me. My mother, sisters, grand mothers, and dear friends. They are the light of my life. Being surrounded by women I love on a daily basis is such a blessing.
How does it feel when you're most empowered as a woman?
Feels great! I'm very proud to be who I am.
What advice do you have for our current and future generations of women?
Don't be afraid of being who you are. But at the same time be aware of the surroundings you are finding yourself in. The fight for equality is far from being a done deal for women. Our collective stories of pain, strength and drive throughout history shall never be forgotten.
How are you celebrating International Women’s Month?
I'll be honest, I often tend to forget when International Women's month is, so I rarely plan anything for it. But in truth, everyday should be a celebration of Women all around the world.

Who is NorBlack NorWhite?
NorBlack NorWhite sprung from the seed of digging deeper into our roots. Raised mostly in Toronto, we (Mriga and Amrit) made our way to Bombay, India in 2010 to understand where we came from and explore other ways of living. While surveying crafts, life in all lanes, and a whole lot of street snacks, we discovered the foundations of what would eventually become NBNW--India's exceptional craftsmanship, an exploration of culture + our sweet, sweet FRIENDSHIP & SISTERHOOD. We are here to respect the past is to respect the process and the people who carry it forward.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion”. What does this mean to you?
Walk the talk. When it comes to inclusion, we have been quietly doing the work before that word became a trend. It is beautiful to see the ripple effects of work that has been carried through from all our foremothers. This is in how we speak to each other, how we take care of each other, from the little daily moments to the bigger experiences. Every single moment matters and is an opportunity to include.
What women inspire you? Why?
Surviving and thriving as a woman is no easy feat so in that vein ALL women are inspiring just for being. Bisan is a deep source of inspiration for her relentless hope and commitment to sharing the daily stories from Palestine and the joy she still finds in a will to survive. Our mothers stay inspiring us and keep things more than real with deep love and care.
When do you feel most empowered as a woman?
When we are freely expressing ourselves, feeling safe, feeling heard, seen and at peace.
What advice do you have for our current and future generations of women?
PROTECT YOUR SPIRIT. Take care of each other with ultimate care and consideration, the camaraderie and power when women come together and are united is truly unmatched, unshakeable and what this wild world is desperately calling for.
How are you celebrating International Women’s Month?
In our hearts, everyday is women’s day. We started NBNW not only for us but to be an example for young women to witness what is possible with feminine leadership at the centre. During this month we are blessed to announce a beautiful collaboration with a woman we deeply respect, Melody Ehsani. More to come :)

Who is Laura Estrada Jewelry?
Laura Estrada Jewelry is a Latina-owned artisanal jewelry brand based in Los Angeles focused on sustainable design and creating unique, handcrafted future heirlooms.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion”. What does this mean to you?
To me, Inspiring Inclusion is a commitment to creating a space where every woman, regardless of their cultural or racial background, gender identity, or economic status, feels seen, valued, and celebrated. It's a call to break down barriers and create a sense of belonging and community for folks that may have been historically or otherwise marginalized.
What women inspire you? Why?
I am inspired by the strong, resilient women in my family as well as the lineage of craftswomen I have in my Guatemalan heritage. I also draw inspiration from the talented and creative women in my local community who collectively cultivate a space for mutual support and growth.
When do you feel most empowered as a woman?
When I am feeling empowered, it means I am in my element - and that can look many different ways. It can be me in my kitchen sweating over a huge pot of food I am preparing for my favorite people, it can be me digging my hands into soil with other volunteers as we work to cultivate the land, it can be me in a moment of vulnerability, sharing my story and the hardships I've had to endure to the ears of those I know love me. Moments like this are when I feel most empowered and are sparked by an internal feeling of belonging and purpose.
What advice do you have for our current and future generations of women?
Stay committed to supporting and uplifting one another, remembering that we are in this together and there is plenty of space at the table for all of us. Work diligently to be involved in and support your direct community, while holding space for the vast amount of work globally that needs to be done for women and women’s rights. Be sure to make time to have fun, prioritize self-care, and enjoy your life.
How are you celebrating International Women’s Month?
By celebrating myself and the amazing women around me :)

Who is KkCo?
KkCo is an unconventional apparel brand that is focused on building and supporting a creative community.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion”. What does this mean to you?
‘Inspire Inclusion’ is women inspiring women to hold space in a male dominated world. Inspiring and empowering each other to be included.
What women inspire you? Why?
We work with several female owned factories that focus on supporting other women in manufacturing. Most factory leadership roles are heavily male dominated, so to see these women disrupt that pattern and empower other women to excel within these positions is so inspiring.
When do you feel most empowered as a woman?
It’s the most empowering when you can create opportunities for other women — whether through supporting, collaborating, or employing.
What advice do you have for our current and future generations of women?
Be disruptive, break tradition, hold space, and support each other.
How are you celebrating International Women’s Month?
By continuing to support female owned businesses and continuing to work with other female creatives.

Who is et Tigre?
et Tigre is a thoughtful clothing line brought to you by two friends, Adele Tetangco and Alnea Nabos.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion”. What does this mean to you?
Celebrating our diversity and different strengths.
What women inspire you? Why?
Our team of women at et Tigre. We get things done!
What makes you feel most empowered as a woman?
Confidence + good style.
What advice do you have for our current and future generations of women?
Make mistakes! It’s how you learn!
How are you celebrating International Women’s Month?
Cheersing to female friendship! And indulging in McDonalds.

Who is Ceramrap?
Ceramrap is me, Christine Mai Nguyen with the help of my partner, Jason van Wijk on production from time to time.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion”. What does this mean to you?
To me, ''Inspire Inclusion" means being a part of a community that works together and shares idea; with an abundant mindset open to collaboration.
What women inspire you? Why?
My sister Ann inspires me because she is able to shapeshift and is inspired to do and try new things. I feel like it's natural to lose that curiosity as you get older but I feel she'd done the opposite in her life.
When do you feel most empowered as a woman?
I think for me, that's when I'm not critical of my output and am sharing my work. I think it becomes obvious to the people around me as well as the internet world.
What advice do you have for our current and future generations of women?
If you are given an opportunity that you think someone else could also benefit from or do well, link them up. Abundance breeds abundance so be generous and good things will come back to you.
How are you celebrating International Women’s Month?
By celebrating the women in my life and making a conscious effort to reach out and spend time with them.
*Contest closes Friday, March 15 at 11:59PM PST. The winner will be announced the following Monday, March 18 via email from and on our stories. Each individual participating brand will contact the winner thereafter to coordinate shipping.
Note: This giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram. Be wary of scams. We will never ask for your personal or credit card information.